Sharpening the cutting-edge technologies

Nestlé myShop

Enhanced in-store customer experience

Services & technologies
iOS development / iBeacons / Bluetooth LE
Praesidium / Momobi

Next level shopping experience

With enhanced in-store customer experience

Nestlé myShop

One month before Apple releasing the final manufacturer specifications for iBeacons, we were challenged to create an indoor shopping experience using this new Bluetooth LE technology.

Nestle MyShop iBeacons
Estimote iBeacons

The challenges

Beta SDKs, frameworks and hardware

Working mainly with experimental methods for that time and making a lot of adjustments, Digital Expression managed to deliver a fully stable and functional product.


After testing multiple iBeacons manufacturers, we decided to work with Estimote Beacons as they provided most stable behavior at that time, and kept in mind the fact that our product should be easily adapted to work with any iBeacons manufacturer.

Nestle MyShop infographic
Nestlé myShop
iBeacons in-store setup manual